Journey2 – Auckland Hearing
Auckland Hearing is an independent Audiology and Hearing Aid Clinic owned and operated by Audiologist, Maree O'Sullivan.Sun, 17 Nov 2019 21:16:23 +0000en-US
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3232Detect sound with your ears – Hear with your brain
Thu, 07 Feb 2019 04:40:46 +0000 hear with our ears right? That’s how we’ve always considered it. But when we think about hearing, we really mean how we use the sounds we collect from our ears. You actually hear with your brain. The brain has many complex hearing functions, including filtering the sound coming from our ears so we can focus on what is important
That’s how we’ve always considered it. But when we think about hearing, we really mean how we use the sounds we collect from our ears.
You actually hear with your brain.
The brain has many complex hearing functions, including filtering the sound coming from our ears so we can focus on what is important and matching sounds we hear to what is already familiar to us.
Often we do not notice familiar sounds because our subconscious brain accepts them as normal. We do notice new sounds and words that are important to us. They jump into our consciousness. For example, we are more likely to notice if someone says our name.
When you first get hearing aids you will hear a lot of new sounds. In the beginning, everything will sound new and different. It takes time for the brain to locate, identify and then normalise sounds that have not been detectable for a while. It takes time to adapt and be able to hear with your brain again.
Hear with your brain
Detect sound with your ears
Our ears are designed to collect sound from the environment, amplify and change it into a signal that can be delivered, via nerves, to the hearing centre in our brain (auditory cortex).
The brain identifies the signal and recognises it as sound from the environment or to understand speech.
Hearing loss usually means the ears are damaged or impaired in some way. For most hearing loss we lose the ability to detect the quieter sounds but louder sounds are not affected, or only affected slightly.
In most cases, just increasing the volume of the sound to our ears is not helpful to improve hearing clarity. In some cases, loud sound can cause distortion in our hearing system which reduces our hearing clarity.
Hear with your brain
This diagram (and explanation below) by Oticon shows how sound is used by the brain.
Your brain uses the signals collected from your ears to ORIENT you by localising which direction the sound is coming from and to RECOGNISE familiar sounds, voices and words. Next the brain will FOCUS the important sounds like speech or music and SEPARATE out unwanted sounds or noise. These fours tasks occur simultaneously and consistently while you are awake. From Oticon – Brain Hearing
Hearing aids help your brain to hear
Hearing aids are small computers that often work together as a team, to optimise the signal received by the brain. They are constantly measuring the sound environment and adjusting the way they amplify to optimise hearing comfort and speech understanding and to reduce listening effort. They usually amplify quiet sounds more than loud sounds and very loud sounds pass through the hearing aid and are not amplified at all.
Higher level hearing aids have more automatic features to modify the sound to help you hear clearer and with less effort, especially in difficult listening environments.
Regular hearing aid use will help your brain “hear better”
Interpreting sound information requires regular exposure. People who wear their hearing aids “only sometimes” are giving their brain two signals, hearing and not hearing, some sounds.
Their brain does not have as much practice interpreting the sound information and will not be able to use the information so well.
Use it or loose it
Wearing hearing aids more strengthens the auditory system by giving it more practice and helping it learn which sounds are important and which sounds are not.
The ability to understand speech, especially in noisy environments often improves with increased wearing time.
The ability to discriminate words reduces over time – especially with significant hearing loss
When there is hearing loss, the brain is not receiving a regular signal. As this continues for many years the brain does not have as much practice using this information and becomes less capable of using the sound information. It is possible that the brain may even reallocate those brain resources to another function.
The sooner you get hearing aids, the sooner you are providing your auditory system with sound and keeping it active and functioning as optimally as possible.
“I notice people ability to repeat back single words, in quiet, improves with regular hearing aid use.
This effect is strongest for people with more severe hearing losses.”
Maree O’Sullivan (Audiologist)
New hearing aids – Get ready for your hearing adventure
Hearing aids do not act like a volume control. Everything will not just sound louder, like when you turn up the TV. Hearing aids are programmed specifically to improve your hearing. They are set up and programmed to compensate for your specific hearing loss. They usually amplify quieter sounds more and louder sounds less, or not at all. You will pick up sounds you had forgotten about as you have been unable to detect them for years.
The sound level and the way hearing aids amplify is constantly changing depending on the listening environment that you are in. They detect the environment and optimise the sound directed to your ears, which helps your brain use the sound information.
It is important we match the right level of technology to your listening needs. Well fitted hearing aids will help you to confidently hear what is said the first time. This means you will not need to keep doing mental calculations to work out what they could have said and no need to ask for repeats.
Most hearing aids will work well in easy listening environments. Higher end hearing aids are able to modify the sound in more detail often giving better sound quality and reduced listening effort for the wearer. Higher end hearing aids give better results in difficult listening environments like noisy and echoey rooms.
Are you ready for your own hearing adventure?
Are you are at the point where you are ready to do something to help your hearing? You are welcome to make an appointment for a hearing assessment and hearing aid consultation.
During the appointment we will program some hearing aids up especially for your hearing levels and let you experience the new and clearer sound.
If there is time you can even go next door to the cafe for a coffee so you can see what is is like to hear clearly even in noise.
A bit about Auckland Hearing
Auckland Hearing is an independent hearing aid and audiology clinic set up by Maree O’Sullivan. Maree has worked in Audiology for nearly 25 years and started Auckland Hearing so she could focus on the needs of each client (rather than corporate profits).
]]>Did you know that hearing loss is linked to memory loss and dementia?
Wed, 14 Feb 2018 05:42:03 +0000 loss is widespread, and it affects people of all ages. There are many reasons for hearing loss including hereditary factors, noise exposure, trauma and ear disease. Hearing loss becomes more common as we age. Research shows increased severity of hearing loss correlates to increased memory loss and dementia. This graph shows the results from a
Hearing loss is widespread, and it affects people of all ages. There are many reasons for hearing loss including hereditary factors, noise exposure, trauma and ear disease. Hearing loss becomes more common as we age. Research shows increased severity of hearing loss correlates to increased memory loss and dementia.
This graph shows the results from a study by the National Foundation of the Deaf called Social and economic costs of hearing loss in New Zealand (published in December 2016).
Hearing loss is usually gradual. In the beginning, the hearing loss takes away the beginning of the sentence, the little details and the punchline. With time hearing loss may increase mental fatigue – as you concentrate harder to follow along. It can begin to erode your confidence – as you are no longer sure about what was said and it can lead you to feel embarrassed about missing the details or about having to ask for repeats too often.
The gradual nature of hearing loss means that we adapt over time. We change our behaviour, we choose our environments, and slowly our relationships change as everyone adjusts to a change in our hearing. Often hearing loss leads people to socialise less, which can lead to less overall activity. Hearing loss is also linked to memory loss and dementia (or cognitive decline).
Hearing loss is invisible and sneaky.
As hearing changes, we adjust.
Gradually it affects personality and relationships.
Hearing loss changes us over time.
Maree O’Sullivan (Audiologist)
Hearing loss is linked to memory loss and dementia
In 2013, Frank R. Lin, MD, PhD conducted a study on the topic of hearing loss and cognitive decline. The study observed 1,984 adults over six years. They tracked the progression of their hearing loss and cognitive function. He found there is little doubt that hearing loss is a factor affecting the loss of mental acuity in older adults.
The study found that people with more severe hearing loss had a higher likelihood of developing a cognitive disorder, and an increased decline in mental function. Even subjects with mild hearing loss were found more likely to experience cognitive difficulties like memory loss and dementia; it is also linked to increased falls.
The exact link between hearing loss and cognitive decline is not yet fully understood, and current studies are focusing on this question. It is possible that is due to increased “cognitive load”, where the brain is overwhelmed with demands on its limited resources. Concentrating hard to follow a conversation means we have fewer resources for other things like memory and maintaining balance.
“Communicating when you have a hearing loss, takes up a lot of brain power. It’s a bit like a computer that runs slower when there is a large program running in the background,” says Maree O’Sullivan, Audiologist from Auckland Hearing.
There is evidence that the part of the brain that was used by the hearing system gets reallocated and is used by the visual system in people with hearing loss. “Declines in hearing abilities may also accelerate grey matter atrophy and increase the listening effort necessary to comprehend speech. Hearing aids may not only improve hearing but preserve the brain,” said Dr Lin.
Hearing aids may help reduce memory loss and cognitive decline
As evidence continues to mount that hearing loss is a contributing factor in the development of memory loss and dementia, it is imperative to consider the profound consequences of ignoring hearing loss. People with hearing loss on average wait ten years before they seek treatment for hearing loss; even though the sooner hearing loss is detected and treatment begins, the more hearing ability (auditory brain function) can be maintained.
“Considering early diagnosis and medical intervention of hearing loss slows the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, it is more important than ever for patients to get their hearing loss treated sooner rather than later,” said Maree O’Sullivan – Audiologist at Auckland Hearing.
Research has shown that people that wear hearing aids do not show the same cognitive decline as those who don’t. However, although there is a definite co-relation, Dr Frank Lin and his team are not prepared to assume causation, meaning that we can not assume that wearing hearing aids reduces cognitive decline. Reduced cognitive decline that is measured may be due to other factors, for example, education levels or socioeconomic factors that may lead some people to get hearing aids and others to choose not to. A very large study is currently underway by Frank Lin and his team to clarify whether wearing hearing aids protect from memory loss and dementia when taking into account other factors.
At Auckland Hearing, we see positive change in our clients after they get hearing aids, anecdotal evidence that hearing aids keep you active. We often measure improvement in our client’s ability to understand speech (using speech perception testing), once people with hearing loss start wearing their hearing aids all day every day. Human brains have plasticity which means they are continually adapting. Once people retrain their brain by exposing it to sound every day, they hear better and can be more involved in the world around them.
A bit about Auckland Hearing
Anna and Maree – At Auckland Hearing
Auckland Hearing is an independent hearing aid and audiology clinicset up by Maree O’Sullivan. Maree
has worked in Audiology for nearly 25 years and started Auckland Hearing so she could focus on the needs of each client (rather than corporate profits).
]]>Hearing aids keep you active and part of the crowd
Fri, 12 Jan 2018 04:44:54 +0000 you have difficulty hearing you are not alone. Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems affecting 10% of New Zealanders. Effects of hearing loss include difficulty following a conversation, especially in noise; turning up the television and feeling tired at the end of the day after having to concentrate hard to
]]>If you have difficulty hearing you are not alone. Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems affecting 10% of New Zealanders. Effects of hearing loss include difficulty following a conversation, especially in noise; turning up the television and feeling tired at the end of the day after having to concentrate hard to follow conversations (auditory fatigue).
Untreated hearing loss can have wide-ranging effects including loss of self-esteem, depression and social isolation as people often withdraw when it all gets too hard.
Hearing loss increases “cognitive load”, where the brain is overwhelmed with demands on its limited resources. Concentrating hard to follow the conversation means we have fewer resources for other things like memory and maintaining balance.
“Communicating when you have a hearing loss, takes up a lot of brain power. It’s a bit like a computer that runs slower when there is a large program running in the background,” says Maree O’Sullivan, Audiologist.
How do hearing aids keep you active?
Hearing loss is usually gradual, we do not notice the subtle changes we make to our lifestyle to compensate for hearing loss. Acting early and using hearing aids, keeps you active and social. Hearing aids also reduce “cognitive load” as wearers can easily hear the conversation and respond appropriately.
Studies have shown that people who decide to use hearing aids without delaying the decision, have a better chance of a higher quality of life, compared to those who delay the decision. **
Current hearing aid technology
Hearing aid technology continues to develop at a rapid pace. Current hearing aids are highly effective and virtually invisible. They automatically adjust to the listening environment you are in so you can relax, engage and be yourself.
Don’t let hearing loss change your life. It doesn’t have to. Hearing aids keep you active by allowing you communicate easily with reduced the effort.
I attended a gathering of over 600 people and was able to hear conversation directed at me, even though there was an abundance of extraneous noise surrounding me.
My enjoyment of television programmes has also improved immeasurably, where previously I could only guess at what was being said!
Auckland Hearing is an independent hearing aid and audiology clinicset up by Maree O’Sullivan. Maree
has worked in Audiology for nearly 25 years and started Auckland Hearing so she could focus on the needs of each client (rather than corporate profits).