Hearing aid consultation. Once we have a current hearing assessment (within 12 months) we are able to discuss your hearing needs.
- We set aside an hour for a hearing aid consultation at Auckland Hearing; it is free of charge (unless it is a second opinion and you are already trialing with another company).
- At this appointment we usually give you an opportunity to listen through hearing aids and even have a coffee in the cafe next door while wearing them if we have time.
- A second opinion appointment (where you are currently trialing hearing aid with another clinic) is $120 and this will be refunded if you choose to have hearing aids fitted with us.
Hearing aid adjustment / reprogramming. A recent full hearing test is required – last 12 months. Have you stopped wearing your hearing aids and feel you need to start again? Or is the sound not quite right for you?
- A hearing aid adjustment will take 30 minutes.
- A hearing aid adjustment and hearing test together will take 1 hour