What to expect when you come to Auckland Hearing
Our response to Covid-19
We can help you from the front of the clinic

Take a look around the Auckland Hearing Clinic
Hearing assessment

Explaining the hearing test results

Our wax removal clinic

Changes at Auckland Hearing due to Covid-19
Keeping you and our community safe
Appointments – Before you come into Auckland Hearing:
- If you have any cold or flu symptoms or think there is a possibility you may have been exposed to the Covid-19 please get in contact to rebook you once you are well.
- We will ask you to fill in your client information form online, before your appointment.
- Please wash your hands before coming to your appointment, you will also be given hand sanitizer on arrival.
At your appointment
- We would prefer you have a maximum one support person in the clinic (please do not bring children to the clinic unless the appointment is for them).
- We will aim to stay more than 1 m away from you as much as possible (other than when a clinic procedure means we need to get closer to you).
- We ask that you avoid touching surfaces if possible.
- All surfaces will be wiped down between clients.